Friday, January 27, 2006

January events

January...1st month for each year & almost new daze for everyone bcoz masa nilah adenya azam baru, harapan baru and everything is new ( am I rite?..) Aku? Tak sempat nak pikir azam + harapan baru @ ntah ape2 la yang seangkatan dengannya. Sebabnya?..Aku ade 2 big events for this month. 1st, my son go to school ( 1st time beb!..). Aku yg excited lebih. Anak aku ok mmg patut pun amik cuti sebab abid (my son's tak?) siap meraung..tak nak duduk dlm kelas..siap tarik2 aku keluar kelas.. In history akulah oldest student in his class room..tahan perasaan ajela...maluu.. kat bawah tu gambar dia..pakai baju sekolah..comel kan???macam mamanya..luv u abid <----sempenama arwah moyang dia..Bidin (modified jadi abidinsafwan..)

2nd, my sister bertunang. Siap amik cuti 2 hari dan berkorban tak balik raya haji ( dlm sejarah jugak ni..tak pernah tak balik raya). What ever..congratulation my dear sister. Semoga bahagia.
Bawah ni gambar dia..Cantik tak? Selendang tu la...penat aku tolong dia jahitkan labuci. .tapi cam tak nampak jer..

* Freedom is when you know there are nothing to foght for *

Monday, January 23, 2006


A’kum dan Salam sejahtera,

How to start? Nak start dari mana? Ntahla..aku pun terdiam tadi for 5 mins. Nak story ape yek. Oklah start from how did I had the idea to have my own blog. It’s all start from my colleagues. A few of them have their own, why not me. So, I put their blog at the Links. Thank you Saira (the person who introduced this blog). Tapi ape yang nak diceritakan? So, I decided it’s not to story to but to share with. Mungkin aku update blog ni pun sekali sebulan. First aku nak share why I choose the name of arys. Take times jugaklah which one to choose. This name was given by my friends. Masa tu kat MRSM Kuantan (form 4&5). They were difficult to call my full name (panjang sangat.. ye ke? aku rase pendek dan amat mudah..hehe). So short cut of it, jadilah nama tu walaupun aku rase itu nama lelaki (even my classmates..lelakila.. pun terkejut).
So, for everybody yang sempat singgah disini, thank you. You are welcome! And don't forget drop by here if you have free time. Any comment?
* daily habits are important: seven apples a day instead of one a day, will not get the job done *